Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A wonderful time up north

Kia ora,

Back in Auckland now after a tremendous time in Northland on the sky is the limit when you read tour. It was great to visit the various schools and talk with the students, and it's been ages since I've eaten so much fresh fish, mussels and scallops. I also met up with allot of whanuanga.

I was certainly tired when I got back. And there's been little rest for me since. I've run seven Warrior Kids classes already this week. I'm looking forward to the up and coming School holidays when I'll be able to get some much needed down time and when I'll be able to do some writing.
A big thank you to all the students who I was able to spend some time with on the tour. I thank you for sharing your time with me and for the respect you gave with your listening and your questions. It would have been nice to have longer with you. I also enjoyed speaking with teachers at the workshop in Kaitaia.
As many of you know I didn't do so well at school. I was in special classes from the beginning and when I was expelled from High School as a second year fifth former, (year 12), I left not being able to tell the time on hand clocks, I didn't know my times tables and I couldn't even say the alphabet, yet I loved writing. I fell in love with writing from an early age and have never stopped. Writing allowed me to escape the hardships of an abusive childhood. It's been my voice, a lifeline. Writing's given me a sense of connection spiritually and allowed me to be free. I hope you have something that you feel passionate about.
Funny isn't it? I didn't do well at School, but now I go into them regularly talking about writing and my books, and running Warrior Kids.
I've been asked to set a question related to my Schools visits. I guess for me, what I would like to know is what was the main thing you got from my talk?

I look forward to reading your replies and answering any questions that you may have for me.

Tim Tipene


Harrisville, Room 8 said...

Hi Tim
My class is new to blogging so here goes. I have been instructed to tell you they enjoyed you coming in and talking to them about the joys of writing. The main things they got from your talk was how cool it was that you said books and writing can take you anywhere in your mind. And how imagination is a powerful thing to use and that it makes their writing come alive. We are looking forward to using some of that imagination for writing in the last week of term. Thanks for coming to our class we loved having you.
Miss & room 6 warriors!

Harrisville, Room 8 said...

Dear Tim,
Thankyou for showing us about self control and respect. It tends to help us control our actions and words on a certain standard, which also helps to calm our taniwhas. But the best thing is for you to come to our classroom and share your experience as an author. Your advice will help a lot of people who might have family problems. Thank you for sharing your childhood stories and sharing your books with us. I am inspired by your work and hope that you will come back to our school and share some more books with us.
Oturu School

Harrisville, Room 8 said...

Hello, Tim Tipene,
Its me, the one that screamed. You were great showing us your self control and respect to all of us and sharing your childhood when you were a little kid. It showed me that no one got treated perfect .Oh yes and when you showed me your taniwha face, it sure gave me a shocker. Thanks for showing me your techniques I’ve been using them every time I get upset. It made me feel better and cool and now I know that hands are not for hurting. They’re for helping .It was such a privilege to have a famous author at our school .I am reading Warrior Kids at the moment. I am up to chapter11 and hearing that Eric and Mark did not pass in warrior kids. It sounded fair to me and the chapter was called fail or pass .I am in love with the book. It’s so interesting I wish it never ended. I was really affected in my emotional feelings how you were treated when you were younger But my father never hurts me and I wish you got treated the same way
Thank you for coming to TeNgahere
Oturu School